Co-editors: Seán Mac Mathúna • John Heathcote
Consulting editor: Themistocles Hoetis
Field Correspondent: Allen Hougland


Bush family links to Nazism

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John Heathcote

The artist John Heartfield

President George W. Bush: Heir to the Holocaust? From Clamour magzaine

Werkzeug in Gottes hand? Spielzeug in Thyssen's hand!

Instrument in God's hand? Toy in Thyssen's hand!

A prominent Nazi spokesman stated, "In the fulfillment of his task, the Fuhrer perceives himself as God's instrument." The famous photomontage artist John Heartfield mocks this by showing the puppet Hitler in the hands of Fritz Thyssen, a leading Industrialist and head of Germany's largest steel trust. Thyssen joined the Nazi Party in 1931.

The history of the twentieth century is littered with unreported events of the darkest irony, but perhaps the true story of how America's latest political dynasty earned it's vast fortune and political status by walking a thin line between treason and tyranny is the greatest secret, and greatest irony of all.

When a country of over 200 million citizens, which proclaims itself as the most open, democratic state on earth, is effectively 'ruled' by one family for 16 out of the last 27 years; we are justified in asking how that family reached that position of power.

It is unbelievable that the American Press is so supine before its own ruling families that it dares not print the dreadful truth Ð that its First Family not only profited from the crimes of Nazi Germany, but was partly responsible for its creation in the 1920's.

One does not have to look for long to find that the Bush family fortune was ultimately produced in the charnel-houses of Aushwitz; and from the blood-sweated slavery of hundreds of thousand Jews, Russians, Romanies and dissidents.

The official story of the Bush family is centred around the oil industry, and the clever manipulation of capital. But even the official record of the dynastic patriarch, Senator Precott Bush, reveals the roots of the vast fortune now controlled by George Herbert and his sons.

From 1924 until 1942, when the US Government seized the assets of the Union Banking Company under the Trading with the Enemy Act, Senator Bush and his business partner George Walker (GW's other great-grandfather, whom he is named after) helped to fund not just the nascent Nazi Party, but the whole Third Reich project.

Using a number of fronts, with their contact in Germany the powerful industrialist Fritz Thyssen, the two enterprising businessmen sold $50 million of Nazi Germany's bonds to the American people, essential for rebuilding its vast armed forces and keeping the economy stable.

The Union Banking Company and A.W.Harriman and Company, the Bush-controlled clearing houses for these vast sums, used the services of Allan Dulles who was later to become notorious as the head of the CIA to hide the profits they made from these transactions.

It is hard to believe that he did not make them aware of the nature of the regime they were dealing with, and one can only suppose that their moral viewpoint was more than just sympathetic to the stated aims of the Nazis.

Even more damning is the part played by George Walker in the takeover of the Hamburg-America Line, which became a cover for I.G. Farben's espionage unit in the United States. I.G. Farben was the company who produced Zyklon B and the other gasses used in the death camps.

Classified documents in Dutch intelligence and US government archives claim that Prescott Bush made considerable profits from slave labour in Auschwitz. The current President Bush himself has inherited these profits from the Holocaust, which were placed in a blind trust in 1980 by his father, former president George Herbert Walker Bush.

Before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor the US government had known that many American companies such as Standard Oil, General Motors and Chase Bank were profiting from their investments in Nazi Germany.

From this point, when the US entered the war on the side of the Allies, it was tantamount to treason to be giving aid and economic support to the enemy..

In 1983 The New York Times reporter Charles Higham published his book, Trading With The Enemy; The Nazi American Money Plot 1933-1949, . He stated that "the government smothered everything during and even after the war."

The Thyssen - Union Banking Company was first reported in depth in a book published in 1994 by John Loftus and Mark Aarons, called The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. Higham reports fears within the US establishment that a "a public scandal ... would have drastically affected public morale, caused widespread strikes and perhaps provoked mutinies in the armed services."

He goes on to claim that the profiteers could not be brought to justice because "their trial and imprisonment would have made it impossible for the corporate boards to help the American war effort."

Although the depth of the business links between the Bush family and the Nazi regime have only started to be revealed in the years since these books were published, a classified Dutch intelligence file leaked by a Dutch intelligence officer, as well as newly discovered information from U.S. government archives, "confirms absolutely," says John Loftus, the direct links between Bush, Thyssen and genocide profits from Auschwitz.

(Thyssen 'King' August and his sons; Fritz Thyssen, who died in 1958 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Baron Heinrich Thyssen Bornemisza de Kaszon.) By the time that the Americans entered the First World War in 1916, Thyssen & Co., with 50,000 German workers and annual production of 1,000,000 tons of steel and iron was one of the most powerful companies in war-torn Europe.

August Thyssen's company was the main supplier of the German military and he knew that defeat was imminent. His first son Friedrich Thyssen was destined to inherit his father's estimated $100,000,000 fortune and an industrial empire based at Muehhlheim on the Ruhr. The second son Heinrich Thyssen quietly changed his citizenship from German to Hungarian by marrying the Hungarian aristocrat Baroness Margrit Bornemisza de Kaszon and then switching his name to Baron Thyssen Bornemisza de Kaszon.

Towards the end of the First World War, August Thyssen founded the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart in Rotterdam. Holland was the perfect country outside Germany, because of its neutral status, to channel the funds held in the August Thyssen Bank in Berlin, once reparations started to be discussed.

However, the war ended before Thyssen had a chance to completely hide his great fortune. The Kaiser was deposed and a Socialist Government took over the country, surrendering at 5 am the next morning, 11th November 1918, to the allies.

Three weeks later, August and his son Fritz werte taken prisoner by members of the Spartacists League, and taken across Germany for trial; subjected to mock execution on the way.

In his autobiography I Paid Hitler, Fritz Thyssen describes how he was deeply saddened by the spectacle of Germany's abject humiliation, and with his father, became convinced that foreigners, especially Jews (even German Jews, many of whom were decorated for military service in the First World War) were responsible for Germany's defeat.

However, all was not lost, despite the terrible privations and poverty that most of the German people were subjected to in the years following 1918. The younger brother, now known as Baron Thyssen Bornemisza de Kaszon relocated to Rotterdam and became the principal owner of the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart.

It is a curious fact that 'noble' families around Europe were escaping any retribution for their part in the mass-slaughter of the First World War by shuttling names and titles around. The British Royal family had changed their name mid-war from Saxe-Coburg to Windsor, to try and deflect the notion that they might be German. The 'Hungarian' owner of a 'Dutch' bank would now be able to funnel all the profits from German armaments to another destination. Why not the greatest 'free-market' in the world, the United States of America?

In the years following the Great War, Germany struggled against massive debt and reparation payments, and the mass of the population were starving. Despite this, they voted for socialist, and in the case of Saxony for instance, communist governments, much to the horror of the industrialists and militarists who funded armed militia known as Freikorps to terrorise the population.

During the 1918 Socialist rule in Berlin, General Erich Ludendorff organized a military resistance against the Government, and industrialists like Thyssen felt he was a trustworthy ally. In October, 1923, Fritz Thyssen was informed by Luddendorf that Adolf Hitler and the emerging National Socialist Party were the only force capable of bringing order to Germany.

Thyssen attended a number of meetings and was impressed with Hitler's command of his audience, as well as the political agenda promised for the country. Thyssen gave Hitler and Ludendorff 100,000 gold marks ($25,000) to support Hitler's Nazi party, a move followed by many more industrialists, fearful of pro-union workforces or socialist tax policies. Despite a reduction of this support, after the failure of his Putsch in 1923, Thyssen maintained both a financial and personal interest in the Nazi Party and its leadership for the next few years.

In 1928 Thyssen personally donated a sum he claimed was 250,000 marks (although it was later estimated to be over 800,000 marks, the equivalent to $2 million today) to buy the Barlow Palace located in Munich's posh Briennerstrasse.

Hitler converted the palace into Nazi national headquarters and changed its name to the Brown House . This venue became useful as the Depression kicked in, and the Nazi Party began to look like a viable alternative Government to desperate capitalists. Thyssen remembered them welcoming with "utmost satisfaction" the "monarchistic attitude" that Hitler showed towards the workers.

Thyssen's funding of Hitler was now bolstered by the donations of the industrialists. However, the people of Germany voted overwhelmingly for a communist Government; but this wish was undermined by the secret arrangement between Hitler and Hindenburg, whose death would be the trigger for Hitler's silent coup.


Averell Harriman was the son of a railroad baron. His father set up an investment firm, W.A. Harriman & Company in New York City and hired George Herbert Walker as manager. George Herbert Walker was a self-made millionaire and former heavyweight boxing champion from Missouri. Walker, was known for his wealth and his violence, even to his own family. He owned a vast amount of property along the East Coast and one of the most splendid apartments in Manhattan. He was also a Catholic who hated Catholics and did not like Jews

Early in 1924, Hendrick J. Kouwenhoven, the managing director of the Thyssen bank in Holland, Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, went to meet with Walker and the Harriman brothers in New York. Together, they established The Union Banking Corporation. The UBC's headquarters was located at the same 39 Broadway address as Harriman & Co. In 1926, after his father died at the age of 84, Fritz quickly expanded the family empire, bringing in the Flick Company which had interests in German and Polish coal and steel to create Germany's largest ever conglomerate, the USW (United Steel Works). One reason for this was to provide a monolithic front to face down the demands of unionised labour. Also in 1926 George Walker decided to give, Bush, a big break. Walker made Prescott Bush, his new son in law, a vice president of Harriman & Co. Prescott employed many of his classmates from his Yale class of 1917, including Roland Harriman and Knight Woolley, all members of Skull and Bones. Thyssen and Flick paid Bush and Walker to help them manage the new Thyssen/Flick United Steel Works including the Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation and the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company located in the Silesian section of Poland. .

In 1929 the Depression left many companies vulnerable, and looking to merge with others to give added financial stability. In 1930 Harriman & Co. merged with the London firm Brown/Shipley. Brown/Shipley in London kept its name, but Harriman & Co. changed its name to Brown Brothers, Harriman. The new firm moved to 59 Wall St. while UBC stayed at 39 Broadway. Averell Harriman and Prescott Bush re-established a holding company called The Harriman 15 Corporation. One of the companies Harriman had held stock in was the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company. Two thirds of the company was owned by Friedrich Flick. The rest was owned by Harriman. By 1934, with the death of Hindenberg; Hitler became the Dictator of Germany. He soon unveiled plans for the new autobahn system. This was ostensibly to connect the entire country. The unprecedented wide road design, especially around major ports was essential for speedy military maneuovers, as well as bringing down unemployment. Hitler ordered a"rebirth of the German army" and contracted Thyssen and United Steel Works for the overhaul. Thyssen's and Flick's profits soared into the hundreds of millions in 1934 and the money flowed straight through the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart to UBC in New York. Prescott Bush became managing director of UBC and handled the day-to-day operations of the new German economic plan. Bush's shares in UBC peaked with Hitler's new German order.


On March 19, 1934, Prescott Bush handed Averell Harriman a copy of that day's New York Times. The Polish government was applying to take over Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation and Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company from"German and American interests" because of rampant "mismanagement, excessive borrowing, fictitious bookkeeping and gambling in securities." The Polish government required the owners of the company, which accounted for over 45% of Poland's steel production, to pay at least its full share of back taxes.

Bush and Harriman would eventually hire attorney John Foster Dulles to help cover up any improprieties that might arise under investigative scrutiny. Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939 ended the debate about Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation and Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company.

The Nazis knocked the Polish Government away fromThyssen, Flick and Harriman's steel company and were planning to replace the paid workers. Originally, it is alleged, Hitler promised Stalin they would share Poland and 'use Soviet prisoners as slaves in Polish factories'. Hitler's promise never actually materialized and he eventually prescott_bush2.htminvaded Russia in 1941.

But Bush, Avrill, Harriman and Brown made fortunes from the War; and encouraged Hitler to set up the template for the modern, technological Police State that we are facing today . . .

To be continued . . . !